Daily Archives: January 10, 2012

Three Rainbows

On December 16th, the motivation for this blog came to be. Today the shift to turn motivation into production came to be.

First and foremost, welcome. Thanks for reading, connecting, inspiring, contemplating, questioning, feeling and mostly being present. This blog is being created for the purposes of my own creative contemplations, connections to the universe and others in it, and to remind myself and anyone else who it applies to, to be present with intent for the greater good. To me what that means in the simplest terms is being active in your own life and to maintain the intent of greatness for yourself, those around you, those barely connected, the earth, and the universe. Maintaining this presence with intent is difficult to do and that is all I will say about it for now. This space will hopefully allow me to become more present in my own life and roles and shift my intent fully to the greater good of all.

MOTIVATION: Motivation as previously mentioned began on 12-16-11. I was driving along a familiar road around 9 in the morning. It has just started to sprinkle some, the weather being atypical for december in NH, and I was forced to stop due to construction. I was on a small hill and after stopping, just happened to look toward the horizon to notice a beautiful half rainbow, crossing the sky. I was stopped for about 6 minutes and was able to see the rainbow get brighter and brighter and eventually fade away. I continued my day so blessed to see the rainbow, which I truly felt was a gift from the universe. About two hours later, driving along a different road, I saw another rainbow, this one was much fainter and smaller, but still breathtakingly beautiful. I could not recall a time when I had previously seen two rainbows in one different places on the same day. Several hours later, I was driving home and on one of the long quiet roads, I looked to my left and saw a third rainbow!! I had to pull over because I was certain my mind was playing tricks on me, but it was not. The third was fainter than the second but a bit larger in scale from my perception. Three rainbows in one day, what an amazing gift and what a fantastic connection I felt with the universe.

SHIFT: This triple rainbow experience, reminded me that I needed to be more aware of this beautiful world we live in and take the time to look around and appreciate what the universe has to offer. I have always been a bit of a sucker for sunsets and sunrises and where I live I can see a sunset and sunrise each day that the sky allows, which is wonderful. Beyond sunrises, there’s more to see and the rainbows reminded me of this. At the times I have been most happy in my life over the past few years, there have been earthly connections, which I will divulge as the moments are appropriate. But recently I have been more connected to the universe  and have noticed more and more. Yesterday was a full moon, when I returned home around 5 pm, the moon was visible and bright and 5 bands of clouds horizontally in front of it, from my view point. It was stunning. I watched the moon throughout the night as it became bigger, higher in the sky and more open. It was mesmerizing. When I woke up this morning around 5, the moon was still bright and large, though lower in the sky. At around 7:15am while driving I saw the moon from a very different vantage point. I felt my soul and my heart open up.

I realize there is somewhere to go from here, somewhere more open and more present for me. And I am ready to bring that into my life. In order to be successful, I need to be constantly reminded of this and need to be able to openly communicate with myself. The beginning of this pivotal shift is NOW.